
titanium bar stock Memory alloy pipe has been used in combination

Memory alloy pipe has been used in combination with automatic control , the sleeve may be made ​​of shape memory alloy instead of welding , is in the low temperature expansion of the tube to approximately 4% of the full , a socket assembly with a heated , titanium bar stock shrinkage of the sleeve restore the prototype , form a tight engagement . U.S. Navy aircraft hydraulic system uses a 100,000 such joints, oil spills and damage over the years never happened . Ship and submarine oil pipeline damage , repair it with a shape memory alloy fittings, very convenient. In some parts of the inconvenience of construction , the pin made ​​of shape memory alloy , into the hole is heated to separate the trailing end automatically curl to form single assembly .
Memory alloy is particularly suitable for thermo-mechanical and automatic temperature control , automatic opening and closing has made ​​room arm can open the windows are in the sunshine during the day , automatically turns off when the night temperature drops. Memory alloy heat engine designs are also a lot that they can be in with a low temperature difference between the two media work , so as to take advantage of industrial cooling water , nuclear reactor heat, ocean thermal and solar power opened up titanium round bar new avenues . Now the problem is widespread efficiency is not high, only 4 % to 6% , to be further improved .
Memory alloys in medical applications is also very compelling. E.g., the bone with the bone plate , not only can two fixing broken bones , and the recovery of the original shape of the compression force is generated , forcing the broken bones are joined together . After straightening teeth using dental wire , long clip ligation of cerebral aneurysms and vas deferens , with the support plate straightening the spine , are implanted in the human body temperature by the action starts, thrombus filter is also a new product memory alloy . After being straightened filter implanted vein , will be gradually restored into a network , thereby preventing clot 95% flow to the heart and lungs.
Artificial heart is a more complex titanium industrial bar structure of the organ , muscle fibers of the elastic memory alloy thin film made ​​of ventricular cooperate to mimic ventricular contraction . Now water is pumped been successful.

