
Application of chemical medical titanium plates design

One-time investment of chemical titanium equipment , mainly because of the high price of titanium , but also because of the design and manufacturing aspects of the case . Currently, the economic benefits of chemical titanium equipment , mainly from the application process to play the comprehensive advantages . Therefore, the development of chemical titanium equipment , in addition to continuing to develop " chemicals used titanium" new areas , expanding the use of titanium equipment , but also the use of appropriate technology and ways to reduce one-time investment of titanium equipment , improve the use of the equipment reliability.
1 , applied research
1 ) to carry out theoretical studies of chemical titanium device designed to enrich and improve the induction of various data , organize work, you can now have the advantage of computing means to establish a more comprehensive database of titanium equipment design . Provide a sufficient basis for the optimum design and effective means of titanium equipment.
2 ) continue to carry out research titanium processing technology , such as welding and large containers lining technology.
3) the use of titanium equipment , maintenance and repair technology research for safety titanium equipment , effective use of the necessary means.
2, the design
1 ) as soon as possible to develop design specifications and standards of various chemical titanium equipment to ensure design quality, cost -saving design .
2 ) to promote " optimal design " technology.
3 ) Apply " Value Engineering " analytical material titanium cage configuration of equipment,titanium axles determine a reasonable way to use titanium .
3 , manufacturing
1 ) in the manufacturing process of titanium equipment , try to adopt new technologies, new processes, saving manufacturing costs.
2 ) strengthening the quality management equipment manufacturing , processing equipment and testing procedures to develop and improve the process to ensure product quality and maintain good titanium equipment " reputation ."
Domestic chemical industry to use titanium device has three sources, one homemade , the second is commissioned processing, the third is a combination of homemade and commission processing . Currently, nearly one hundred of titanium equipment manufacturing plant , and manufacturing level is key to ensuring the reliability of titanium equipment Inso . Surveys show that titanium equipment damaged more than half of the reason is due to poor manufacturing quality . Therefore , you should select a reasonable way to enable developers titanium equipment is guaranteed from the quality.
1 , due to the design and manufacture of titanium devices require specialized skills and the necessary means , therefore , to deal with the design and manufacture of titanium equipment qualification to be some form of recognition.
2 At present, the production of titanium chemical equipment has a certain scale and technological strength anium wire, therefore , can be implemented to take the point of production of titanium chemical equipment ; has a certain capacity for titanium chemical equipment production base, the application of funds and material sources to with the necessary support.
3 , the chemical composition of the appropriate form of titanium equipment development consortium titanium standard parts, to strengthen research , design, manufacturing aspects of horizontal linkages , simplifying the development process , to minimize development costs.

