
Titanium , medical titanium plates anode coating

Iridium coated titanium , tantalum , titanium mesh anode products anodic oxygen evolution is a kind of resistance , mainly used in oxygen reaction , especially for acidic electrolyte , such as a certain concentration of sulfuric acid electrolyte , ultra-low oxygen titanium standard parts, oxygen can be used for electrolysis, chlorine is also resistant to corrosion, can be used to release oxygen and chlorine electrolysis, water electrolysis as it is an acidic reaction medium good oxygen electrode material , the electrode material in such a limited environment optional. The coated electrodes have been used in organic electrolysis, such as cysteine ​​, glyoxylic acid, succinic acid , can be used Cr3 + + → Cr6 + electrolysis , water treatment for the organic electrolytic oxidation of indirect oxidation of organic matter in water and toxic substances, as the conversion of CN- . But also in the electroplating industry , as an auxiliary electrode , such as Cr -plated auxiliary anode , auxiliary anode copper , electrolytic zinc auxiliary anode , auxiliary anode cathodic protection , etc.
Ruthenium - Iridium - three yuan coated titanium anodes
The hydroxyl -containing coatings for high anode electrolyte , oxygen corrosion resistant , suitable for ion-exchange membrane electrolysis. Coating indicators:
1 , the discharge current density potential in 4000A/m2 1.18 volts (SCE).
2 , strengthen life ( coating weight loss method ) 1.02mv / 4 hours. cm2, life protection over five years , has been carried out in the industrial power slot.
Ruthenium - Iridium - tin - titanium (Ru-Ir-Sn-Ti) four yuan coated electrodes .
1 , low chlorine evolution potential , the potential is too small , the current density in the 2000A/m2 chlorine discharge potential is not greater than 1.12V, the overpotential less than 20mv.
2, the polarization current density of less than 30mv/10 units .
3 , to strengthen the long life 0.5N H2SO4, 1A/cm2 of current density , the life is greater than 1500 minutes .
The above three indicators are better than the industry specified target ( industry indicators: potential 1.13 V, the current density polarization 40mv/10 units , strengthen life of more than 1000 minutes ) . The coating has been widely used in the chlor-alkali industry , the actual life of up to 8 years.
Titanium mesh anode
The anode is a titanium mesh matrix, above the plating β-PbO2, which is characterized by ultra-high- oxygen titanium pipe, in acidic solution applications, especially some organic electrolysis, anodic oxidation reaction requires high potential , but also to minimize oxygen side effects , PbO2 electrode is a better material. Such as perchlorate electrolytic sewage treatment oxidation of organic matter , such as phenol-containing wastewater . It can also be used as a general release oxygen electrode , although its oxygen high, but its price is relatively Ta-Ir electrode is much cheaper , so in organic electrolysis , electroplating , sewage treatment and so many get applications.

