Shipbuilding in thickness of 4mm Ti70 and 16 mm for welding object, plasma arc welding , laser welding and laser - arc hybrid welding Xinnuo titanium alloys welding three high energy density of the process carried out explore, get a good performance of welded joints , plasma arc welding , plasma arc welding is the use of plasma arc welding process as a heat source . Gas heated by the arc generated from the solution , a nozzle at high speed compressed by water , and increasing the energy density of the solution from forming a plasma arc. Its stability , heat and temperature are higher than the arc , and thus has a greater penetration power and welding speed . For marine titanium bar price welding tests show that plasma arc with concentrated energy , penetration , side welding good shape , no tungsten inclusions , less porosity , etc. , it is very suitable for welding of titanium and titanium alloys . More plasma arc welding process parameters , when the method is mainly related to the use of orifice nozzle diameter , welding current, plasma gas flow rate , welding speed , shielding gas flow. Second, the heat of the laser welding is a welding laser beam is focused as a laser weldment bombardment energy generated as a welding method for welding high precision . Laser welding due to the high energy density, obtained greater penetration and high welding speed , and because the diameter of the laser beam is extremely small, so narrow weld and heat -affected zone , the welding residual stress and deformation is small . The main parameters of laser welding laser welding power , welding speed , titanium bars for sale amount , side-blown gas flow and shielding gas flow. Since the laser welding high welding speed , the welding process generally can not adjust the parameters of the process ,