Medical use of titanium. Medical Titanium implants was strong market demand, the medical titanium prospects. Ti-Ni shape memory alloy with unique properties, has been buy titanium bar used in the oral cavity, neurosurgery, cardiovascular, thoracic surgery, ENT, liver and gallbladder Branch, urology, gynecology and other hospital departments of surgical implants. Data shows that the medical use of titanium surge in the annual growth rate of 20% to 30%. Our medical titanium annual consumption more than 1000 tons, but 85% dependent on imported medical use in the high-end titanium titanium bar plant in orthopedic, dental and other titanium alloy materials, only a handful of medical titanium alloy to achieve a localization. The past 30 years, surgical implant market growth rate of astonishing, the average growth rate over the past 10 years has remained at between 15% to 30%. According to available data concluded that China's medical device industry will increase the amount of titanium at least 8 to 10 times, shows that titanium implants in China's vast market prospects.